Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tho, I'm thtudying thpeetch pathology at UTHU...

Thith themethter'th been a real change from the latht one. I haven't pothted a blog for thuch a long time, tho, I figured I better thtart. I don't really care about blogging, but I've got thome time on my handth, tho why not...Like I thaid, thith themethter'th been a real change. Latht themethter wath a total dream, I loved every clath that I took, and thith time, I don't. I know I've got to thtick with it and perthevere becauthe that'th what it'th all about, but I have a pthychology clath and I hate it tho tho bad. I'm not even interethted in pthychology and I hate going to that clath. I fall athleep almotht every time, and I feel bad becauthe I thit on the thecond row and the teacher can totally thee me. The inthtructor is BF Thkinner'th great granddaughter, by the way. Who ith jutht related to Thkinner? Weird. Really, I'm jutht in the mood to type in a lithp and pothting on thith blog ith a goood excuthe to do it, tho there. I'm jutht rambling on, trying to fit in every 's' word I can, to maximize the lithp! Ha ha ha! Thomeday if all goeth well, I'll have a mathter'th degree in thpeetch language pathology and help kidth thay their th'th! For now, I'll jutht keep plugging along, walking to thcool in the freething cold thnow, dethpithing every thecond of it, telling mythelf it'll all be worth it in the end. I better get into graduate thcool after all of thith or I'll be devathtated. I'm crothing my fingerth!Peath!


Jamie said...

hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Oh my heck, that was so funny! Were you totally laughing at yourself as you were doing this! Hang in there cousin! I know the cold really sucks! It was 20 below out here on tuesday and they cancled school because none of the buses would start! You so need to post more often! Love ya! Hope it gets better soon!

Arica said...

I love you but I can't even stinkin' read that post because it makes me crazy:) Next time you post no speech impediments okay?

Unknown said...

You are so cute! HAHA I love how creative you are in your blogging! :D Love you!

Christina (Cha) said...

I did not know you have a blog. How fun! We need to go to lunch.